
Automate persona creation for your & competitor biz.
 Automate persona creation for your & competitor
Product Information
This tool is verified because it is either an established company, has good social media presence or a distinctive use case
Release date30 November, 2022

Delve Features

Delve AI is an AI-powered tool designed to help businesses create data-driven buyer personas quickly and easily. Key features and advantages include:

  • Three persona options: Live Persona (using Google Analytics data), Social Persona (for social media audiences), and Competitor Persona (using Delve AI's intelligence data)
  • Valuable insights: Gain insights into audience behavior, segments, and evolution based on demographics, values, hobbies, and more
  • Industry-specific: Suitable for both B2B and B2C industries, providing clarity on target audiences
  • Competitor data: Refine ideal customer profiles using competitor information and insights from desirable segments

Use cases for Delve AI are ideal for various businesses and agencies:

  • Marketing teams seeking to better understand their target audience and competitors
  • Sales professionals aiming to create data-driven buyer personas for improved targeting
  • Business owners looking to gain valuable insights into their customers' behavior and preferences

Overall, Delve AI offers a user-friendly solution for creating buyer personas, trusted by over 7,000 businesses and agencies worldwide.

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