Worlds most used AI content detector
 Worlds most used AI content detector
Product Information
This tool is verified because it is either an established company, has good social media presence or a distinctive use case
Release date16 March, 2023

GPTZero Features

GPTZero is an AI detection tool designed to identify AI-generated texts, specifically targeting educators and other users. Key features and advantages include:

  • Plagiarism score: Provides a holistic score indicating the amount of AI-generated content in a document
  • Highlighted sentences: Identifies individual AI-generated sentences for easy detection
  • Batch uploads: Supports uploading multiple files at once, ideal for checking entire classrooms' work
  • API integration: Seamless integration into organizational systems with customizable endpoints

Use cases for GPTZero cater to various educational environments:

  • Educators seeking to detect AI-generated content in student work
  • Organizations aiming to integrate AI text detection into their systems
  • Institutions looking to maintain academic integrity in the era of AI-generated content

With a growing user base and partnerships with organizations like K16 Solutions and Canvas, GPTZero is a reliable and constantly improving tool for detecting AI-generated text.

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