Praxy AI

AI study buddy designed to help college students boost their productivity and efficiency
 AI study buddy designed to help college students
Product Information
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Release date29 April, 2023

Praxy AI Features

Praxy is an AI study buddy designed to help college students boost their productivity and efficiency. Key features and advantages include:

  • Smart web highlighting: Highlight online content and choose from various actions, including search, summarize, paraphrase, explain with examples, and create quizzes.
  • Tutor (chat) feature: An AI-powered tutoring experience that offers personalized learning for homework help, exam preparation, or skill-building.
  • AI notes: A groundbreaking feature that streamlines online study sessions, organizes highlights with source URLs and comments, and offers summarization, essay creation, quiz generation, and auto-generated citations.

Use cases for Praxy involve various college-related activities:

  • Boost productivity and efficiency with AI-powered study tools
  • Stay organized and streamline research with AI notes
  • Get personalized tutoring and support with the Praxy tutor feature

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