Segment Anything is an AI model designed for computer vision research that enables users to segment objects in any image with a single click. The model uses promptable segmentation and zero-shot generalization to provide accurate and efficient object segmentation.
Key Features:
Promptable Segmentation: Users can specify objects to segment using interactive points and boxes as input prompts.
Zero-shot Generalization: The model can accurately segment unfamiliar objects and images without additional training.
Multiple Valid Masks: The model generates multiple valid masks for ambiguous prompts or complex scenes.
Versatile Output Usage: The segmentation masks can be used as inputs for other AI systems, tracked in videos, utilized in image editing applications, lifted to 3D, or employed for creative tasks.
Efficient Inference: The model is designed to be efficient, with fast inference times, running in a web browser and supporting a variety of platforms.
Use Cases:
Segment Anything by Meta AI offers a powerful and user-friendly solution for object segmentation in computer vision research.